Not knowing the run and unable to find a local guide, we opted for other options. The Punchbowls and a North Fork Crystal run sounded great. We loaded up the truck and headed out of Aspen and up the Crystal Valley. Danny threw out the idea of checking out Yule Creek. "Who knows...maybe there will be water in there".
A short drive and even smaller hike lead us to the river left rim of the canyon. Looking down into the gorge, and seeing runnable levels, made us all 

smile. Staring into the gorge below were the first 2 big drops in the final 4 - Ballcheck and Wallcheck. A double combo of vertical fun.
We walked downstream to check out Oriental Massage and Happy Ending and began our discussion about the run.
"What do you think. Should we do it?" This phrase was passed to the one another back and forth until finally someone spoke up and said "Hell Yeah!".
After that, we raced back to the truck and decided to drive to the bridge at the bottom of the run. It made more sense to cruise the river right (private land) side on a rim trail and jeep road. We could scout the other drops above the big 4 and make an easy walk of it. So we stuffed our boats with gear and headed off to run some of the wildest whitewater in Colorado.

Within no time, we arrived at the first of the 4 bigger lower drops that define the run...Ballcheck. This drop goes into a sweet pool that separates it from Wallcheck.

The next drop was Oriental Massage - an even taller and steeper slide than Wallcheck. I hit the left-to-right current and went for the ride. What a blast. The final drop called Happy Ending truly was.
I'm still in Aspen so I think we're up for another lap tomorrow.

Here's a great look at the gradient of the last 4 drops with Oriental Massage in perfect view. Lovin it!!!!
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